About Me!

Web History: Geocities, Angelfire, and Tripod were my learning ground.
Web Coding: HTML, CSS, JS, and some PHP
Web Design: I've worked on site's as small as this to global e-comm stuff


Raised in Kansas. Schooled in Missouri. Living in Wisconsin.

Always thought I'd escape the midwest at some point, but the furthest I've made it (thus far) is the mid-north.

I'd like to call myself a poet, but I don't write enough.

I've got a degree in philosophy, but it mostly collects dust.

I design and research for a living, and have a pretty good time doing so.

My freetime is spent on games, puzzles, naps, and media (music/movies).

While I love comics, I didn't grow up with them bc of my parents. I'm making up for lost time now.

baby still dancin'